When you buy a diamond ring for your beloved intended, there are a number of factors to consider. Not least, of course, is the quality of the diamond you’re buying. Diamonds can run from inexpensive too expensive, but if you want one that’s as close to "perfect" as possible, you’ll certainly want one that is also as pristine as possible. That means, you’ll generally consider the four "Cs" of diamond quality: colour, cut, clarity, and carat.
In general, how well a diamond is cut is going to determine how sparkly it is and how well it reflects light.
The diamond’s colour is also a factor. The "whiter" it is, the brighter it is going to be.
The diamond’s clarity is also important, in that it has as few imperfections as possible. The less "perfect" it is, the less brilliant it’s going to appear, and the less expensive it will be.
Finally, the diamond’s carat refers to how much it weighs, or its size. In general, the larger a diamond is AND the more of the previous characteristics it has, the more expensive it is.
One thing to remember as well is that many "imperfect" diamonds can be perfectly lovely and make a very nice ring; jewellers are artists, and can hide imperfections deftly under claws, or by placing them against backings that will shade certain areas of the diamond which are less perfect. Therefore, you can certainly buy a diamond that will cost you less, but will still look absolutely lovely.
Finally, do take your budget into account. Although most people would certainly want to buy the most expensive ring no matter the cost, it’s a good bet that if your beloved is practical at all, she’s not going to want you to be dropping half your year’s salary on a diamond ring. So sit down, figure out how much you can afford to spend, and go from there. (And hey - if she really loves you, she’s not going to much care what kind of ring she gets, as long as it’s been thoughtfully chosen and is beautiful in its own right.)
If you would like an appointment, then please do call for a free consultation in our central London Hatton Garden office and we would be glad to try and help you. Our details are on the main page of the Lewis Malka London website.