How to crack the case on your boyfriend proposal plans!!
You and your girlfriend have discussed the "M" word - marriage - and are ready to take the next step. So, what are you waiting for? The proposal, of course! With the most romantic day of the year - Valentine’s Day - approaching, women all over the country are anxiously awaiting the proposal of their dreams. In fact, according to proposal experts, approximately 24,000 proposals happen on Valentine’s Day each year. As you mentally plan your emotional acceptance and continue your regimen of weekly manicures, don’t forget to observe your boyfriend’s behaviour for definite clues that "the question" is coming.
Is He Sending Signals?
According to experts, women often witness unusual behaviour from their boyfriends just prior to marriage proposals. These people have researched more than 10,000 proposal stories and have spent years in the industry advising men on popping the question. Now, after reading this, I have compiled a list for you - from getting a new credit card to befriending with your dad - that may signal that your boyfriend is gearing up for the engagement:
So here are my top 10 signs he is about to propose.
1. He’s cleaning his closet: If your boyfriend is finally tossing out that "private" box of mementos from former girlfriends, he is letting go of his past and is ready to focus on the future with you.
2. He’s sizing you up: Your favourite ring is missing and your best friend has been asking the size of your finger. Chances are your boyfriend is doing some investigating before visiting the jeweller.
3. He’s cutting costs: Dates have gone from gourmet dining to drive-through dinners - if your boyfriend is suddenly a miser; he may be saving up for the special day.
4. He goes for the gold: You spot your boyfriend flashing a shiny new gold card - many men open credit cards with higher spending limits to make the expensive ring purchase and snag some frequent flyer miles in the process.
5. He’s on the "We" channel: If his conversations no longer start with "My" but with "Our," he is definitely ready to move out of singlesville.
6. He’s family oriented: Your boyfriend is enthusiastically organising a get-together with both of your families. An anxious interest in "meeting the parents" is a true sign he’s ready for the next step.
7. He’s watching weddings: You attend a friend’s wedding and are shocked at your boyfriend’s commentary on the music, flowers and food. Even more surprising - he encourages you to catch the bouquet!
8. He’s letting go of "The Bachelor" inside: He’s sold his scooter and cancelled his weekly poker games - a mature lifestyle change means marriage is sounding more meaningful to him than ever before.
9. He’s a man with a plan: Your socially laid-back guy suddenly insists on prior plans, and instead of waiting until Friday night to plan your weekend, he’s making arrangements Tuesday or earlier ... he may have a certain social "engagement" that he doesn’t want you to miss.
10. He’s your dad’s new golf partner: If a close connection has developed between your dad and your boyfriend it’s more than likely that they’ve had "the talk". Good luck!!
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