It occurred to me recently that we live in an almost completely disposable society.
From razors to contact lenses, Big Macs to nappies and cupcake wrappers to the latest iPhone or iPad which will be virtually obsolete the moment it’s out of the box, we live in a world where the things we buy are designed to be thrown away almost immediately.
Christmas is a shining example of temporary fulfilment. Every year we buy presents for our nearest and dearest – perhaps from a list, perhaps not – and I’m willing to bet that it’s rare that you give or receive something you’ll cherish forever.
Among the perfume, handbags, clothes and chocolate for her and the wood screws, socks, boys’ toys and DVDs for him – and please both indulge and forgive my wild stereotyping here – the likelihood of pretty paper and curling ribbon hiding a bonafide keepsake is slim.
Yet that’s not our intention. Most of us actually want to give something of value, whether it’s sentimental, financial or otherwise. But the relentless commerce of Christmas has removed the need or motivation for us to think too deeply before we plunge our PIN into the machine and tick a present off the notional list.
Be honest, now. Wouldn't you rather get something she or he will cherish forever?
She might want the latest Christian Louboutin shoes or Mulberry handbag. But maybe what she’d love is a beautiful piece of diamond jewellery – a gift that has no shelf life and given with love. As we know, a diamond is forever.
Let’s look at this rationally. Electronics, clothing and fashion accessories are in vogue within their industry and then, inevitably, become terribly passé – until the decades go by, of course, and they become retro must-haves with a financial value determined by a scarcity that comes from having been thrown away when they went out of fashion the first time.
But a truly beautiful, hand-crafted piece of diamond jewellery will never go out of fashion. And no one will ever own an identical item. The other advantage here are that it's a lot more personal and durable than the other items you might buy.
And while I might be guilty of stereotyping gender-tastes earlier, I won’t make the same mistake when it comes to how people feel about jewellery, which isn’t restricted to women alone. Men’s fine watches also hold their appeal and build in value, so your gift is an investment too. A fine timepiece is, without sounding cliched, timeless!
DeBeers came up with the A diamond is forever and the reason it’s true goes beyond the fact the owner generally wants to hang on to it. They’re also the hardest substance on earth and they do last forever.
How many other companies can say that about the products they are selling? I can promise you this, not many!
So, if you want to buy your loved one something truly romantic, original and desirable, you don’t need to be talking to Santa Claus – you ought to be talking to me!
If you would like an appointment, then please do call for a free consultation in our central London Hatton Garden office and we would be glad to try and help you. Our details are on the main page of the Lewis Malka London website.
Lewis Malka is a recognised expert in making diamond rings as well as being a famous jeweller to the stars. All his blogs are his own opinions. He is a member of the London Diamond Bourse (LDB) and is currently the Chairman of the Young Persons Committee within the Diamond Bourse. You can follow him daily on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If you would like any bespoke jewellery made, then please visit his website.