You are going to take out that little velvet box and propose, But first, some man-to-man advice from Lewis Malka, an expert from London's diamond district.
That was the headline I saw when I opened up this years simcha guide, Celebrations, from The Jewish Chronicle.
It's their annual magazine for people who are looking to get married and it showcases all the best supplier. This includes all the big things like planners, caterers, venues and band. As as well as the small things which no wedding can be complete without. Such as stationary, flowers, wedding dresses and of course jewellery. Well I'm proud to say that I was asked to provide an insight and give some advice that can help guys pick out the perfect engagement ring.
One of the most intriguing parts of a Jewish Wedding Ceremony is when the Bride circles the Groom under the Chuppah (a canopy under which a Jewish wedding ceremony is performed), when they first enter the Chuppah. Usually they circle the groom seven times. Circling "seven times" corresponds with the seven wedding blessings and demonstrates that the groom is the centre of the Brides’ life. (This also symbolises her protective care of her husband). The number seven also represents the completion of the seven day process in which earth was created. During these seven days, the earth revolved on its axis seven times. Since marriage reenacts the creative process, the Kallah's (bride) encirclement symbolises the repetition of these seven earthly rotations. With this in mind I discuss the seven golden rules to help guys pick out the perfect engagement ring.
Below is a snapshot from the magazine. If you are looking for a copy of The Engagement Ring book then click here to purchase one.
After considering all seven of these rules, I believe you are ready to start the in house process. All my rings are made to order and will be made to fulfil her dreams. Any woman who says she hasn't been thinking about an engagement ring is a woman who led a very sheltered life. And in my opinion, was never allowed to dress up in her mothers clothes!! If you would like an appointment to have your dream engagement ring made, then please do get in touch. I would be delighted to have an appointment with you. you can contact me at the top of this page or through the home page. Thank you.